Neck injuries are caused by automobile accidents, or by physical trauma like slips and falls. Most neck injuries are not serious, but some that are seemingly innocuous can cause major problems later on. A head or neck injury from a car accident can prove extremely dangerous for drivers or passengers. As front-seat motorists may be protected by airbags, backseat passengers are not at all protected from a head injury or from whiplash. Perhaps one of the most common head or neck injuries from a car crash is whiplash. Whiplash neck injuries are notorious, because they show no visible symptoms other than some discomfort that vanishes over time. Serious consequences like paralysis, disability and numbness can develop later on. When you are injured in a vehicle accident and you sustain whiplash, it is best to obtain an accident injury lawyer to help you pursue a whiplash compensation claim against the party who injured you. An accident injury lawyer will know your rights according to the law and will help to build a case against the at fault party.
If you are in Massachusetts and looking for Neck Injury Attorney in Massachusetts you must check out: , Attorney J. Stephen Ladas has years of experience in handling such cases, and on your first appointment, you can expect to get answers for all questions.
Contact Information:
Ladas Law Firm, P.C.
90 Rockland Street, Suite 4
Hanover, MA 02339