A car accident attorney is a legally trained attorney, who assists people by advocating for them when they have been in a car accident. Car accidents are the biggest causes of personal injury in the United States. As a result, there are many personal injury claims. When you have been in a car accident that resulted from another person's negligence, you are entitled to get compensation from that person. The compensation will come in the form of a settlement.
You can be compensated for a variety of things that resulted from the accident, and these include; medical bills, pain and suffering and other damages. Federal rules regulate car accidents and their settlements. But each state also has its own laws and regulations. This is why, it is important that you hire a car accident attorney who is qualified and licensed to practice in your state. If you are looking for a Car Accident Attorney in Massachusetts, Ladas law can help. Attorney J. Stephen Ladas has years of experience in handling such cases, and on your first appointment, you can expect to get answers for all questions.
Contact Information:
Ladas Law Firm, P.C.
90 Rockland Street, Suite 4
Hanover, MA 02339